Wednesday, July 09, 2003

Managing a house is no joke. For anyone who sniggers at ‘house-wives’ I only have one thing to say, “Mister, you have no idea.” Especially if you are the house-wife, the husband and the children all rolled in one. Confused? See how it goes….. a peek into my confused daily life.
The alarm rings.
Wake up, I tell myself. (The mother)
And I snuggle back under the blanket. (The lazy kid)
Two minutes later, I open my eyes again. Wake up! (The mother getting angry and impatient)
But I don’t want to. (The irritating kid)
The bell rings. The maid’s come.
She’s late again. (The frustrated house-wife.)
I go open the door and go and plonk myself back in bed.
Five more minutes please. (The sleepy kid)
I then manage to force myself out of bed.
I want coffee right now. (The demanding husband)
I make coffee (The poor house-wife)
Drink coffee as I read the morning newspaper (The husband)
Make breakfast (The house-wife)
Remind myself to have medicines after the meal (The mother)
Make unhappy faces as I swallow the pills (The fussy kid)
Grumble about having a bath. (The filthy kid)
The bathroom bulb’s fused. Change it. (The helpful husband)
Go to office. Work. Work. Work. ( The busy professional: The husband at work)
Shop for vegetables on the way back home. Come back and cook dinner. (The house-wife)
A friend calls and we go out for dinner. All that effort wasted! (The unhappy house-wife)
I shouldn’t be too late as I have work the next day. (The concerned mother)
It’s past twelve when I get back home. (The irresponsible kid)
Throw my clothes and jump into bed. (The untidy kid)
Make a face at the mess I make. (The tired mother)
Fall asleep thinking about bills, life and the future. (The father)
And the story repeats the next day…….no wonder I’m so tired. The number of lives I lead!!!


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