Monday, July 28, 2003

ther•mo•dy•nam•ics Physics that deals with the relationships and conversions between heat and other forms of energy.
I sit with three guys in a tiny room which is called the Project Manager’s room, which essentially means that we are all Project Managers. It is kind of like Client Servicing. In other words we are glorified servants and we take shit from the Client as well as our office people.
The following are the Four Laws of Thermodynamics and how well it fits into our work space.

The first law of Thermodynamics
Total energy of the system plus the surroundings is constant. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. Energy is conserved.

The energy in our room is always constant. None of us are ever happy or high together. Someone is perpetually down in the dumps and by the time he recovers he is replaced by someone else. We seem to spend more time consoling and patting each other’s back and giving an I-know-exactly-how-you’re-feeling look than working.

The second law of Thermodynamics
For an adiabatically enclosed system, the entropy can never decrease. Therefore, a high level of organization is very improbable.

High level of organisation? You have to be kidding! There is complete chaos in our room all the time. Phones ringing. Deadlines that were to be met the previous day. People tearing their hair apart. Tempers flying high. Entropy exists in the truest sense of the word here.

The third law of thermodynamics
The asymptotic law, states that all processes slow down as they operate closer to the thermodynamic equilibrium making it difficult to reach that equilibrium in practice.

Equilibrium does not exist. That is the biggest truth. The truth we live to learn.

The fourth law of thermodynamics
If a system receives a through-flow of exergy (produce entropy/dissipate energy), (a) the system will utilize this exergy flow to move away from thermodynamic equilibrium, (b) if it has more than one pathway to move away is offered from thermodynamic equilibrium, the one yielding most stored exergy, with the most ordered structure and the longest distance to thermodynamic equilibrium, will have a prospensity to be selected.

The fourth member of our exalted Project Manager’s room has finally decided to quit. The problem is that we are in a comfortable rut. It does not take courage to quit but a dose of exergy.

Our tiny room has two windows. One at each end. Big inviting windows, yet another part of the thermodynamic system. We are stuck in this equilibrium. We can’t escape. There are canopies just below both the windows. We can’t even jump out in frustration. Our fall would only be cushioned by canopies. They take care of all contingencies!
We are stuck in an adiabatically enclosed system and we can’t move away from the thermodynamic equilibrium until we receive a through-flow of exergy.
Blow some this way God!


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