Monday, September 08, 2003

Hasn’t everyone who can spin a line or two dreamt of writing a book sometime or the other in his life? Modest we might be up-front…….
“Who me? (blush blush) I don’t write well at all.”
“I write well? You must have read all trashy books to come to that conclusion.”
….… but deep down we all think we have ‘the spark’. We are all geniuses in our own little worlds happy with the word games we play. Wit and sarcasm are our best friends.
Speaking for myself, a hundred stories have been spun and forgotten in my mind. A hundred stories that have been a hundred best-sellers in my imagination. Every time I read a badly written book I think to myself that I could have done better. Every time I read a well-written but predictable book I think I could have given it a better twist.
One day, perhaps.


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