Tuesday, August 26, 2003

We were so much in love
Made for each other
By God himself
Married blissfully for over a year
His eyes still caressed my heart and soul
My gift to my love
A child of our own
Moved gently within me
He would hold my hand
And place his ear
On my growing mound
To talk to his child
Whisper words of love
Promises made
That he would protect us both
From the big bad world
This evening was special
Three years since we met
The best three years of my life
I planned all morning
For the dinner that night
I went out to shop
For all the special ingredients
I couldn’t have been happier
When I had got into my car
Sweating in the humid heat
I called him at an impulse
And told him ‘I love you’
A constant joke between us
For I rarely would say the words
Could life have been better?
I had all and more
I am sorry my love
For I meant not to go
I died before I realised
When the bomb blasted so
I am sorry love that our child died with me
Before it had a chance.
Perhaps it was better
Is this the world that he should have seen?
Don’t cry for me love
Cry for those
Who killed the others and me
In a burst of angry flames

Sometimes we have reasons to do certain things, for we believe in something. Perhaps the ones who were responsible for the bomb blasts in Bombay yesterday had their reasons too. But what justifies killing people? Of destroying someone’s future? Of the end of hope? Of broken families? Of unfinished sentences? Of incomplete lives?

An inexplicable sadness and a hundred whys criss-cross within me.


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