Monday, December 05, 2005

Nothing tries my patience than inept people in an ATM. I mean how much time does one need to put in the card, key in the code and the amount of money one wants to withdraw, collect the money and then the card? 30 sec tops.

What’s with all the fumbling with the card? Just put the damn card in. How difficult can it be? And if you’re one of those people who are enamoured by the sight of the card going in and out, do it at some other time for heaven’s sake. Like at 3 am. (Frankly, I could never understand the joy of going up and down an escalator or an elevator. Or for the matter, putting a debit card in and taking it out in an ATM)

I have been a part of young giggly groups, but never at the cost of someone standing behind me in line. I have also found the most inane of situations funny, but what could be funny in an ATM! And that too for 5 minutes? I mean what on earth can you giggle about for five minutes in an ATM?

The worst in my opinion is the aunty who pushes you in the line and insists that she came first. You fight against your rising temper and politely allow her to enter the ATM first. After all, you were brought up to be well-mannered person. But what the hell takes her so much time? And when you politely knock at the door and request her to hurry up, she glares at you. Five minutes later when you ask her how much time more time will she be taking, she just flares up. And then she has the nerve to say that you are rude!

Even blogging about this has raised my blood pressure several notches higher. I am thinking of initiating an ATM usage awareness campaign. Any media people willing to give me free space? I would pay you but I refuse to go to an ATM machine before conditions improve!


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