Thursday, June 10, 2004

My parents have suddenly woken up to the fact that their daughter is not getting any younger. My father called me out of the blue sometime last week and said that it is high time I got married. Being the obedient daughter that I am, I meekly said ‘Ok Papa’. The next problem that arose was ‘Whom do I get married to?’. Coming from a family with a tradition of love marriages, an arranged marriage is out of the question. Even my grandparents had love marriages for God’s sake. And that was in the 1940s. Surely I can do better now.
The phone was then passed over to my mother who gave me a whole list of things that I should do to meet a prospective husband. And there I was listening patiently to the most unlike-parent like advice. I mean, one is usually told ‘Don’t go out too often. What will the neighbours say! You should have a crystal clear reputation in the neighbourhood. Don’t talk to too many men. And stop going out with all men, even in groups. ’ And here was my mother telling me, ‘Go out. Meet more men. Keep your eyes open. You never know where you’ll meet the right guy….’
Somebody help me!


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