Wednesday, October 20, 2004

It is 2:31 am in the morning. I am sitting and staring at the screen, unable to make any sense of the work I have. Why then, you ask me, am I not going home? Because I am waiting for my film edit to start. At this hour, you ask skeptically. (2:32 am now). Because of an unreasonable deadline that I have suddenly been informed about. What's this about deadlines anyways? The whole point is that something in motion comes to a halt/ end at a certain time/line and thus it is called a deadline. What's the point of having a deadline when you have barely anytime to get into motion? It's like me telling you guys that it is 2:35 am now and you guys have till 2:40 am to comment on this.
It's 2:36 am in the morning now. Sigh!


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